Mac OS X Articles

In June, 2006 I bought a Macbook because I needed to travel around the globe and be able to have my data and programs at hand in various places. I've been interested in Mac OS X for a long time before my Macbook purchase and as such have got some relatively broad experience with Apple's operating system. The following articles are about administering and using Mac OS X:

  • Macbook Clamshell Mode
    Details about using an Apple Macbook in lid-closed clamshell mode operating with an external keyboard, mouse and screen.

  • Nondestructive Partitioning
    Resizing partitions, or volumes in Mac OS X without losing your disk's data.

  • Optimizing Performance
    Optimizing Mac OS X performance with easy to use tips. Make Mail start up and switch mailboxes instantly again.

  • Short Mac OS X Tips
    Collection of short tips for recovering and enhancing Mac OS X and its default bundled applications like Safari and Software Update.

  • Vectorizing with vDSP and vecLib
    Using Apple's Mac OS X Accelerate framework libraries vDSP and vecLib to dramatically speed up your code by using SIMD vector operations.

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