FFN Downtime Letter

This letter was posted in response to a period of hard work related to getting the Content Management System (CMS) in shape and preparing content for the relaunch of FFN. It had been posted on FFN from the beginning of April until halfway June 2005. The original title is included below.

Forever For Now


In an inexplicable twist of events I decided to take some time off for a while. FFN isn't going away anytime soon, but it will take some time to get things going the way I want them to go again. Until that time, please enjoy yourself with the following list of low-cost entertainment you were used to find at this place:


The past

FFN used to be one of the few small scale weblogs back at the beginning of this century. We were never elite, and we never strived to become one of the big guns on the Internet. Nothing more than a pasttime it was filled with well meant remarks and short stories about the things we did in our lives.

There were about five of us at a given point posting stories to amuse mostly eachother, but in the years that passed I found out that there were more people frequenting the site than just the usual suspects. Some of them I met in person last year, I might possibly encounter more of them in the future.

Doing FFN affected my life in a positive way. Looking back I think there's clearly some noticable improvement in content and amusement value over time. But the last few months I did not have a lot to say that would be of interest to anyone but myself. I felt I was alienating from the original idea I started.

The future

I've always had lots of great ideas of things to offer on the Internet, as you might know one of my interests is using computers. My main idea is to keep the name Forever For Now and do something with it to bring software and services to the outside world. A lot of details concerning this shift are spinning back and forth in my mind. Once they flesh out, FFN will be back in business.

A word of thanks

This is not a goodbye, but in the meantime, I'd like to thank the so-called crew for all contributions made in the lifetime of FFN (alphabetically):

  • Esther
  • Peter
  • Piet
  • Sherman

I never got around to doing this and although this doesn't help much, I intend to show you that I value every minute you put in reading and writing FFN.



In the course of many years I have become the owner of a really sophisticated Spamassassin spamfilter which works really well. Opposed to popular belief, it is even good enough to convince me putting my e-mail address on this page is not a bad idea, so you can reach me via e-mail at frank@ffnn.nl. All your comments will be treated with respect to privacy.

Peace and love,


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